Any questions?

What strategy/method do you recommend?

The one that's best for you!

Each family is unique, has its own limits and different sensitivity. Therefore, it is important to find the right strategy/method that fits your child, your family and your parenting style. In the end, the goal is for your child to be autonomous.

Will I need to let my child cry?

Yes, perhaps...

Until now, your child has been dependent on you, the parent to fall asleep and go back to sleep that they are accustomed to. That's why (s)he cries for you in the middle of the night. Our focus is to give your child the space (s)he needs to become independent and develop his/her own sleeping strategies, which (s)he can manage without your help. Setting up a personalized sleep plan for 2 weeks will inevitably be a change for you and your child. Most changes, regardless of a child's age, involve frustration or opposition. However, this frustration or opposition is completely normal and will not last.

We notice that "this isn’t working", what's going on?

Success requires total commitment.

Each method I propose to parents has been studied by specialists and applied to thousands of families with children of various ages. The problem is not the method. Being consistent, being totally committed to the method, focussing on the big picture are often challenges that parents have to face. Yes, it will take a lot of energy, patience and time during the 2 weeks of accompaniment, but how does this compare to the years of sleep disorders you may endure if your child does not become autonomous?

Are you available for some simple guidance over the phone?


If a family needs some advice to help clarify ro direct the choices they have made, I am happy to be available. Often having a specialist listen to the difficulties and suggest 2-3 tips is enough to get the ball rolling in the right direction.

After your consultation visit, our child is already sleeping much better. How long will this last? Do we need the 2 weeks of accompaniment now?

It is possible that this new evolution will last. Equally it is possible it will not.

Since every child is unique and develop differently, sleep difficulties can sometimes resolve themselves. Of course, the reason you contacted fais dodo is because you have noticed this is not your case. After our consultation visit, we found an agreement for the accompaniment and a commitment to the process. My advice, is to respect and complete the process as outlined. It may not take your child two weeks to learn or adapt, but at least you will be sure that the learning has been consolidated and is long lasting.